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International Journal of Engineering works 

Kambohwell Publishers Enterprise 

Vol. 1,PP. 10-14, Sept. 2014 

Interference Mitigation in LTE HetNet by Resource Allocation 

Fakhar Abbas, Naveed Ur Rehman, Mohammad Irshad Zahoor, Man Jamil 

Abstract — To provide high date rate for indoor services and 
communication, femtocells and microcells are planned in LTE- 
Advance system but main problem is how to reduce the 
interference between micro and femto cells and in the middle 
of the femtocells. In this paper we proposed regional Average 
channel state (RACS) to estimate the influence of interference 
and then we proposed hybrid clustering based on interference 
graph (HCIG) to reduce interference between femtocells and 
microcells. Based on the Results our scheme is given to reduce 
the interference and improve the spectrum efficiency. 

Keywords — Heterogeneous Network, Hybrid clustering 
interference graph, Regional average channel state, Micro 
User, Pico User etc. 

I. Introduction 

Reduction of cell sizes and transmission distances is one of 
the most effective methods to improve system capacity and 
cellular coverage, through which there has been 1600x gain in 
system capacity improvement since 1957 [1]. 

In categorize to provide high quality for those users at 
home and business center the Third Generation Partnership 
Project Long Term Evolution (3 GPP LTE) has introduced low 
power nodes placed indoors, such as femtocells [2]. In case of 
the same bandwidth used by macro and femtocells, interference 
in the system is the key problem due to the randomness 
deployment of femtocell. 

There are three types of frequency assignment schemes in 
the femtocell network [3]. The first approach is called shared 
frequency allocation (SFA) in this case same spectrum resource 
is used in macro and femto cells. This gives us results in high 
spectrum efficiency, while the co-channel interference may 
gravely humiliate the system performance. Another approach is 
called partitioned frequency allocation (PFA): femtocell uses 
partial spectrum while macrocell uses the remaining. While 
this scheme avoids interference between two tiers spectrum 
efficiency decreases critically. The last approach is called 
partial shared frequency allocation (PSFA): femtocell uses part 
of the bandwidth resources and macrocell uses all the available 
spectrum resources. It accomplishes cooperation between 

Fakkar Abbas: College of Information and Communication Engineering, Harbin 
Engineering University, China, 0086-18845073024, 
Naveed Ur Rehman: College of Information and Communication Engineering, 
Habin Engineering University China, 0086-13009848100, p0701 08 @ pk 
Mohammad Irshad Zahoor: College of Information and Communication 
Engineering, Habin Engineering University , 
Man Jamil: IGSES, Kyushu University, Japan, 

interference reduction and spectrum efficiency 

Numerous schemes have been proposed to reduce the 
interference in the LTE heterogeneous network (HetNet) 
mainly by means of resource allocation and power control. The 
cell is divided to inner and outer part in [4], and the femto user 
(FUE) in inner region uses the sub-band different from the 
Macro Base Station (MBS) to avoid interference. A resource 
management scheme based on fractional frequency reuse 
(FFR) is given in [6], in which orthogonal resources are used 
between FBS and MBS. Subject to the constraint on the 
minimum target SINR realized in macrocell, an iterative power 
selection algorithm is presented in [7] to maximize the system 

Recently graph theory is extensively used on the 
diminution of interference in LTE network. The vertex, which 
is generally Base Station (BS) in the traditional interference 
graph modeling schemes, expands to UE and femtocell BS 
(FBS) now. In OFDMA macrocell, Necker [8] introduces 
interference graph to resolve the interference coordination 
problem and presents graph coloring heuristic scheme to avoid 
interference, in which two graph nodes connected by an edge 
can't be assigned the same color. [9] Extends the graph vertex 
to UEs. However, the overhead of updating the graph is very 
high, because the MUE node is moving every time. For macro 
and femto heterogeneous system, graph-based adaptive 
frequency reuse (AFR) scheme is presented in [10] in which 
the FBS is taken as the vertex of graph to avoid interference 
among FBSs. However, the interference between MBS and 
FBS is not considered. 

In order to reduce the interference between macrocell and 
femtocell, and that among femtocells, a weighted graph is 
proposed in this paper, in which the vertex of the graph is 
MUE or FBS. Based on the graph the resource allocation 
problem fundamentally differs from those traditional graph- 
based schemes. In our proposed scheme a fixed number of sub- 
bands are used and the hybrid clustering based on interference 
graph (HCIG) algorithm is proposed. After HCIG not only one 
sub-band is assigned to MUE and FBS, but also other available 
sub-bands are assigned to FBS under the interference constraint 
to improve the spectrum efficiency. 

In what follow, the discussion of this study after the 
introduction is backgrouck, observation and methodlogy, 
HCIG method and then the results with discussion and lastly 
the conclusion. 

II. Background 

Long Term Evolution (LTE) has many features considered 
for future fourth generation (4G) systems [11], but the 
performance of LTE does not meet IMT -Advanced 
requirements introduced by the International 
Telecommunications Union (ITU) [12] which leaded to a need 
for other releases. The evolved versions (LTE Release 10 and 
beyond), named LTE Advanced, satisfy the requirements 
defined by IMT -Advanced. Since data traffic demand in 
cellular networks is exponentially growing, further increasing 
of the node density is required to enhance the system spectral 
efficiency. However, site acquisition costs can get 
prohibitively expensive particularly in a space limited dense in 
urban areas [13]. Therefore, several technologies have been 
suggested to improve the performance of LTE- A networks. 
One of the advanced technologies is to deploy heterogeneous 
networks (HetNets). 

A Heterogeneous Network consists of macrocells and low 
power nodes including picocells and femtocells. They are 
categorized in terms of transmit powers, antenna heights, the 
access types, and the backhaul connection to other cells. The 
goal of using low power nodes is to offload traffic from 
macrocells, improve indoor coverage, and increase the spectral 
efficiency through spectrum reuse. By this means, the larger 
numbers of cells have access to more efficient spectrum reuse 
and higher data rates [14]. 

III. Observations and Methodology 

1. 1MB S, FUE is the Co-Channel Interference (CCI) caused by 
MBS to FUE, e.g. the interference from MBS to FUE3.2) 
IFBS,FUE is the CCI between femtocells, the interference 
from femtocell2 to FUE1.3) IFBS,MUE is the CCI caused by 
FBS to MUE, e.g. the interference from femtocelll to MUE1. 

Fig. 1 Downlink Interference scenarios in LTE-Heterogeneous 

In order to terminate all the three types of interference shown 
in Fig.l, an active interference graph construction scheme in 
which the vertex of graph is a femto base station FBS and the 
MUE which is suffering interference from FBS. As the 

location of FBS is fixed and only partial MUEs are considered 
in the graph, the overhead of updating the graph is low. 
Our current problem is how to determine whether two nodes 
can be connected by an edge in the graph and how to estimate 
the interference influence. Note that the effect of interference 
depends on the ratio of interference power to signal power, so 
the Regional Average Channel State (RACS) metric is 
proposed to evaluate the influence of interference. The RACS 

of region m which is served by BS t and interfered by BS ■ 
represents the average SINR, and can be calculated as: 
RACS (i, j,A m ) = jj SINR, j (x, y)dxdy I S{AJ (1) 


Where SINR 1J (X,Y) = P ri (x,y)/p rJ (x,y) + N 0 ) ; 
Pri(Prj)> * s me rece i ye d power from BS i (BS J ) ; A^ 0 is 
the noise power; S(A m ) is the area of region m. Let Abe the 
coverage region of BS ( and when 
RACSiUj.A^KSINR^ orthogonal sub-bands should be 
assigned to BS t and BSj to avoid interference. For the three 

Scenarios shown in Fig.l, the interference threshold based on 
RACS is given in the following argument. 

A. A Interfernce between FBS's 

We consider the situation in which FBS k and FBS . are 
located at (0, 0) and (d,0), with circular coverage radius R k 
and . When a FUE is located at (x, y) the received power 
from FBS k and FBS • are as follows. 

p r , k =p k d- k a =p k (x 2 +y 2 r n ( 2) 

Pr^Pj^^P^x-df + yY 12 (3) 
Where a is the path loss exponent, P k (P.) is the 
transmit power of FBS k (FBSj) ; d k (dj) is the 
distance from the FUE to FBS k (FBSj) . Let a = 2 

and ignore the noise power, the SINR of the FUE 
which is served by FBS k is: 

SINR kj (xj)-- 

p rj +N0 p. x 2 + y 2 


As the FUE is moving in the coverage area of 
FBS k which is, the RACS of the coverage region of 

FBS k is calculated as follows. 

RACS(k,j,A k )= \ \siNR kj rdrdO/S(A k ) = ^(l+ ? d 2 In A.) 

International Journal of Engineering Works 

Vol. 1,PP. 10-14, Sept. 2014 

Where R^is the minimum distance between FUE 
and FBS. 

When the power of FBS is fixed, the value of 
RACS(k,j,A k ) is only related to the distance 
between two FBSs. therefore, the SINR condition 
RACS(k, j, A k ) < c th can be rewritten as the distance 

d<d^=M-Rl)(^-l)l(2\n^) (6) 



B. Interfernce from MBS toFBS 

Consider the same situation complete in subsection 
A, when there is a MBS M located at (D, 0) with 

transmit power P M , the FUE served by FBS k will 
suffer interference from the MBS. Similar to the 
analysis in subsection A, the RACS of FBS k 
caused by the interference from the MBS is: 

P 2D 2 R 
RACS(kM,A k ) = ^(l + - — In— 

r M IX k A min A min 


When RACS(k,M,\)<c th RACS(k,M ,A k ) <c th 
we can get: 

D D mn =J(Rl -R n )(^_ 1)/(21n ' _) (8) 


1 k Rimn 

To make simpler the expression, the FBS is called 
inner FBS when the location of FBS satisfies 

C. Interfernce from FBS to MUE 

In this situation that a MBS located at (0, 0) with 
transmit power PM and FBS k located at (x f , y f ) 

with transmit power PF. When the MUE i served by 
the MBS is located at (x, y), the SINR of the UE is: 

SINR i (x,y) = - 


(x-x f y+(y-y f y 

2 2 

x +y 


P, F +N0 

Where noise power is ignored; a is the path loss 
exponent. In organize to estimate the interference 
from FBS to MUE, the MUE interference region of 
FBS is calculated, in which the SINR of the UE is 
below a predefined threshold. 


In our proposed hybrid clustering interference graph (HCIG) 
scheme, the interference graph G(V , E) is constructed by 

MBS, where the vertex set V stands for all FBSs and the 
MUEs which are in the interference region of FBS, and W is 
the influence matrix to characterize the prospective 
interference between two vertexes in which (/, j) = w(j,i) . 

When w(i, j) = 0 , node/ and node/ is not connected in the 

To judge whether two nodes are connected by an edge, the 
distance threshold in subsection A and B as well as the 
interference region in subsection C are utilized, in the 
meantime, as MBS is not the graph vertex, inner FBS node 
and MUE node are connected in the graph to avoid the 
interference. As two MUEs can't be assigned the same 
resources in LTE network, we let the weight between them be 
wO which is a very large value. As MUE has higher priority 

than FUE, W 0 is assigned to denote the interference from FBS 

to MUE in order to guarantee the performance of MUE. For 
other types of interference, 1/RACS is used to express the sum 
of interference. 

A. Resource Allocation in HCIG 

HCIG is proposed to reduce the system interference and 
improve the spectral efficiency, which is shown as follows. 
Step 1 : one sub-band is randomly allocated to a cluster and the 
nodes in the cluster reuse the same resource. 
Step 2: In HCIG, orthogonal resources are allocated to MUE 
and inner FBS in order to cancel the high interference from 
MBS. Though, when there are not enough orthogonal 
resources after the resource allocation of MUE in the graph 
and inner FBS, the remaining MUE should reuse the sub band 
which is used by inner FBS. To minimize the system 
interference, the sub-band used by the inner FBS which is 
farthest from the MBS is reused by the remaining MUE. 

Step 3: After that, each FBS is assigned a sub-band. In order 
to get better the spectrum efficiency of FBS, this step will 
search more sub-bands which can be assigned to FBS on the 
condition that the sub-bands are not used by the interfering 
nodes. Through the graph connection information, a FBS 
could know the resource set used by connected FBSs in the 
graph. Therefore, the sub-bands which are unused by neighbor 
FBSs are assigned to the FBS to improve the spectrum 

V. Results and classification 

The system simulation parameters are configured according to 
3 GPP LTE condition [10], as presented in Table where Inter- 
Station Distance (ISD) indicates the distance between two 
neighbor MeNBs. In our simulation, 19 microcells are 
considered, in each of which the same number of femto cells 
are placed. Due to the interference from neighbor cells can't 
be ignored, only the results of central 7 cells are collected. The 

International Journal of Engineering Works 

Vol. 1,PP. 10-14, Sept. 2014 

MUEs are uniformly distributed over the macrocell area and 
the FUEs are distributed in the coverage area of femtocells. 
The SINR threshold for construction the interference graph is 
set to 10 dB. 


Modal Parameters 




System Bandwidth 



Cell Layout 

Circular Cell 

Hexagonal Network 

Cell Cize 



Transmit Power 


41 dBm 

Antenna Gain 



Path Loss 



Fast Fading 






Noise Level 



UE Allotment 

2 per cell 

60 per cell 

A. MUE and FUE SINR Results 

The Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of femto user 
equipment FUEs' SINR of all edge users. As the interference 
from FBS to MUE is dynamically canceled by HCIG 
proposed scheme remarkably improves the SINR performance 
of FUE, especially reduces the number of FUEs with low 
SINR. In addition, as only the interference among FBSs is 
considered in adaptive frequency reuse (AFR), the FUEs' 
SINR in AFR is similar to that in SFA as shows in Fig. 2. 
The Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of Micro user 
equipment MUEs' SINR of all edge users. As the interference 
from MBS to FUE is dynamically canceled by HCIG, the 
proposed scheme remarkably improves the SINR performance 
of FUE, especially reduces the number of MUEs with low 
SINR. In addition, as only the interference among MBSs is 
considered in AFR, the MUEs' SINR in AFR is similar to that 
in SFA as shows in Fig. 3. 

The Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of inner MUEs' 
SINR. The interference to MUE can be divided into two types: 
from neighbor FBSs; from the MBS. In addition, the 
interference from MBS to FUE is getting more seriously when 
FUE is closer to the MBS. In AFR, only the interference from 
neighbor FBSs is canceled; while in HCIG, the interference 
from MBS is also canceled by assigning orthogonal resources 
to MUEs and inner FBSs. So for inner FUEs, the SINR 
performance insignificantly improved by HCIG compared to 
SFA and AFFR; for outer FUEs, the SINR of FUEs is 
improved similarly by AFR as shows innFig.4. 
The Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of inner FUEs' 
SINR. The interference to FUE can be divided into two types: 
from neighbor MBSs. In addition, the interference from FBS 
to MUE is getting more seriously when MUE is closer to the 
FBS. In AFR, only the interference from neighbor MBSs is 
canceled; while in HCIG, the interference from MBS is also 
canceled by assigning orthogonal resources to MUEs and 

inner FBSs. So for inner FUEs, the SINR performance 
insignificantly improved by HCIG compared to SFA and 
AFFR; for outer FUEs, the SINR of FUEs is improved 
similarly by AFR as shows in Fig. 5. 







20 40 60 80 

SINR of All Edge-FU (dB) 


Fig.2 All edge FU SINR CDF 

5 10 15 20 

SINR of All Edge-MU (dB) 


Fig.3 All edge MU SINR CDF 


10 20 30 40 
SINR of All Center-MU (dB) 


Fig.4 All Center MU SINR CDF 


j i i i i i_ 

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 
SINR of All Center-FU (dB) 

Fig.5 All Center FU SINR CDF 

International Journal of Engineering Works 

Vol. 1,PP. 10-14, Sept. 2014 


Our proposed hybrid clustering interference graph (HCIG) in 
which three types of interference is reduced. Also the best 
clustering algorithm is formulated. After HCIG, not only the 
minimum sub-bands are allocated to FBS, but also other sub 
bands which are not interring with neighbor FBSs are assigned 
to FBS to enhance the spectral efficiency. Furthermore, as the 
location of FBS is fixed and only interfered MUEs are taken 
as graph node, the overhead of updating the interference 
graphing HCIG is very low. The system level simulation 
shows that both the SINR of MUE and FUE are significantly 
improved by HCIG. 


Authors would like express great thanks for helpful 
suggestions of Mr. Naveed Ur Rehman and Support from the 
College of Information and Communication Engineering. 


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International Journal of Engineering Works 

Vol. 1,PP. 10-14, Sept. 2014